Vacation/Adventure Projects

The Weekender Plans: $32, Plans & 3 1/2 Hour Video: $69, InfoVideo: $15

International Orders please specify video format (NTSC, PAL, or SECAM). PAL and SECAM videos add $35 US.

The Wing Dinghy Plans: $20

The Ply-Flier Plans: $18

The 3-In-1 Plans: $12

The Kayak Plans: $12

Rolling Stock

The Mini-Indy Plans: $15
The Woody Plans: $25

The Boat Trailer Plans: $10

Special Projects

The Hydro-Cat Plans: $18

The Vector Plans: $15

The Sportfoil Plans: $15

Handbuilt Pedal Cars

The Pedal Bugatti Plans: $18

The Pedal TC Plans: $18

The Pedal Biplane Plans: $18

The Delivery Wagon Plans: $18

The GT-8 Plans: $12

All prices include First Class Postage in the U.S. and Canada. Please send U.S. funds. Foreign orders please include $5 extra for shipping ($12 if you're ordering a video). California orders please include 7.25% sales tax. Sorry, no C.O.D.'s. As always, if you're not pleased with the plans you receive, we will give you a refund, or exchange them.

Please allow two to four weeks for delivery.

This sounds like a lot in this modern age of near-instant mail-order deliveries, but it's realistic for us. The plans sales of Stevenson Projects comprise a very small fraction of our business these years, but we feel it's important to keep the source of plans available to people (aside from the major fun-factor, for socio-politcal reasons as well!). So...bear in mind that this is not "Victoria's Secret" or "MacConnection"; overnight delivery is not an option.

How to Order:

By E-Mail;

E-Mail us and let us know which plans you want. A good way to do that is to Copy and Paste into the E-Mail message right from this page! Be sure to include your Mailing Address, a 'phone number or your E-Mail (in case we need to reach you), and your Visa/MC, or American Express info (Acct. Number, Expiration Date, Name, Etc.). Feel free to include comments and such, as this is supposed to be an interactive medium, after all. We will try to acknowledge E-Mail orders as quickly as we can.

Click Here To E-Mail:

By Mail;

Send us a Cheque, Money Order, or your Visa/MC, or American Express info, 'phone number or E-Mail, and a list of the plans you would like. You could print this page and circle the plans you want, or type it up yourself, or scribble it on a matchbook (legibility suffers a bit this way, and your chances of gettng the plans you want gets iffy); it's pretty much up to you.

Our address:

Stevenson Projects
Dept. FAM
P.O.Box 5986
Carmel, CA 93921

By Telephone or Fax;

Our telephone number is 831-626-6088. Our Fax number is 831-626-6089. Call and let us know which plans you're interested in. We will need all of the same information as above for Mail or E-Mail orders: Visa/MC, or American Express number and expiration, your address and 'phone or E-Mail, etc. We may be out of the office and in the shop, so please leave a message if you miss us!

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